Wowzas!! Definetly the most productive free school meeting I've ever been too. We even stayed in the time cap too!! Give urself a pat on the back for this one kidz!!
1. Class Schedule
2. Announcements
3. Textbook
4. Definition of free school class
Class Schedule
- began with a brainstorm of classes that people wanted to have
- learning to play harmonica
- radical reading group
- field trips to places of political significance
- anarchist history in Korea
- parties and gigs
- capitalism sucks (living through DIY means)
- esparanto
- bringing in speakers
synthesis of ideas into classes
harmonica class:
Monday Feb 4th
anticapitalist harmonica jam
@7:00 pm in Hongdae
in the park across from Hongik University
reading group:
Sunday Feb. 10th
radical reading group meets at the Dae-Jo Bo office
suggested topics: primitivism
white privelege
Field trips:
Saturday Feb. 9th 12:00 pm
Seodamun Prison
donginimmun station exit 5
suggested future field trips:
-house of sharing
- lotte world
- Kwang-Ju
Korean Language Class:
Feb. 9th 8:00-9:00pm
location TBA
- suggested that the esperanto group here in Seoul may give their own free classes
- if not the freeschool will require both a Korean and English Esperanto teacher
- also suggested that Korean and English speakers from their own study groups and a teacher will be brought in when necessary
bringing in speakers:
- suggested that a Radical Taiwanese speaker be organized to speak here in Seoul
- tabled until next week
- Manic discussed the idea of creating small language zines for both the Korean and English speakers
- there would be three levels of difficulty
- in discussion it was decided it would be best if this was an ongoing process and as zines are finished they are distro'd
Definition of a Free School Class
- Bung-¤¿ questions what is free school and what is not
- Nancy defines freeschool as a group which shares a defiined topic and learning takes place through equal exchange
- Bung Bung disagrees and thinks that small actions are freeschool classes
- Nancy views freeschool as a collective decision making body
- Fiona speaks to point on whether claiming independent actions are freeschool classes are simply a way to validate them
- Bung-o cites the example of the drag party which was a free school event and organized within
- big fight occurs
- things simmer
- Fiona defines a freeschool event as anything that has passed through the collective decision making body of the free school